AORB Group has pledged to donate masks as part of our initiative to fight Covid19. In April 2020, we have donated masks to the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD), Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MOA), Pejabat Kesihatan Seberang Perai Tengah and Ministry of Health Malaysia

Second from left >> (Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Kastam)(Penguatkuasaan/ Pematuhan) Dato’ Abdul Latif Bin Abdul Kadir, YH Dato’ Pua & Mr Simon Pua.

From the left >> (Minister of MOA) YB Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee, Dato’ Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, YH Dato’ Pua
Our Site Manager >> Mr Aqmal Faiz Bin Hazrul Izam